Monday, March 8, 2010

Reasons to Visit the Emergency Room

The following is a list of symptoms which require a visit to the emergency room:

• Loss of consciousness.

• The following signs of a heart attack which last longer than two minutes: Pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in the center of the chest; tightness, burning or aching under the breastbone; chest pain with lightheadedness.

• The following signs of a stroke: sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg on one side of the body; loss of vision or dimness suddenly, especially if it’s in one eye; inability to talk, or trouble talking, or understanding someone else talking; a severe and sudden headache with no explainable cause; dizziness, unsteadiness, sudden falling which are unexplained, particularly if they occur with other symptoms of stroke.

• More than normal shortness of breath.

• Bleeding which continues even after the application of direct pressure for ten minutes.

• Sudden, instantaneous and severe pain.

• Poisoning- however it is important to note that if it is at all possible to contact a poison control center first, it is better to get immediate advice. There are some poisons that need to vomited-up immediately, and others which need to be diluted with water immediately. Quick action in this regard can save a life.

• If there is an allergic reaction to an insect bite, sting or medication, particularly if it becomes difficult to breath. The symptoms become worse over time.

• Traumatic and serious head injury.

• Disorientation, sleepiness, or stupor which is unexplained.

• Coughing or vomiting up blood.

• Sever vomiting which is unabated.

• Feelings of a suicidal or homicidal nature.