Tuesday, August 3, 2010

3 Common Summer Dangers: Dr. Josyann Abisaab

During the summer, doctors in emergency rooms see an increased rise in visits. This is particularly true in the pediatric emergency rooms, and often involves a number of repeat issues. Certainly, if emergency room doctors like Josyann Abisaab can make parents aware of these dangers, it may help to decrease emergency room visits.

“In the summer, we see a much higher incidence of injuries caused by accidents and sports,” says Dr Scalzo, who is a SLUCare pediatrician at SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center. “Kids are going to be kids and they are going to get hurt. But many of these accidents could be prevented by proper parental supervision.”
Three areas that create many accidents include trampolines, all-terrain vehicles and bikes/skates/skateboards.

Parents need to be very careful when allowing their children to use any of these items, and children need to do so under adult supervision. Obviously, these items are used during other times of the year as well, but children have more time for these activities during the summer and they tend to be less supervised than they are during the school year.